Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Creative Process

Happy New Year to you, friends!  Wishing you lots of good things in 2013 :)

Have you made resolutions?  I generally don't.  The thing is, January 1 is not only the start of a new year, it's my birthday, which means another whole year of my life has passed.  It seems like it should be marked by something momentous.  Like I should plan something big for the next year of my life..which has always felt bit grand and overwhelming, so I've previously chosen to avoid it..

However, I've decided to take a different approach this year.  Just one resolution (I prefer to think of it as a "goal"), so it's easy to keep.  I've decided this year, I will create something every day.

The creative process, for me, always seems to become more robust when I focus on it consistently.  I go through phases where I have so many ideas I fill notebooks full of them.  I sew, knit, write, draw and craft myself into a state of pure bliss.  Then something interrupts (let's call it "life" ;) and I end up stagnating for a while, unable to gain back my momentum.

My hope for this goal is that consistently creating on a daily basis will allow my ideas to flourish.  New products for the shop, an environment that is more consistent with my visions, and fresh new style ideas.

I plan to document the process here, to keep me honest, and since I'm beginning on the 3rd, I have a little catching up to do!  I already have a project in mind for today and I can't wait to get started.

Hugs and Smooches,


  1. I am SO feeling this! I don't ever make resolutions either and I guess great minds think alike. I want to spend time every day creating something. Anything. I also joined and I am pledging to myself to record an image a day. I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like by 12/31/13. :)

    Good for you, D! Don't let the gifts you've been given go to waste. <3

    1. I'll have to check that out! I look forward to seeing what you create as well <3

  2. Another gmta moment, because the same thing is happening in this household too :) Not a new year's resolution, but a commitment.

    1. I like the idea of a commitment much better <3


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