Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Create 365 - The Angel Wing Peter Pan Collar

Here is my first creation!  As mentioned in my previous blog post, I plan to create something new every day this year (ambitious, I know..I hope you'll all keep me on track ;)  I've decided to call the project "Create 365".

I woke from a dead sleep this morning to draft the pattern for this angel wing peter pan collar necklace and purchased the supplies on my way home from work.    It's made from white felt, white feathers stitched on in rows, a vintage rhinestone button and it closes with a silver chain.  Looks like the creative process is already working!

Hugs and Smooches,


  1. nice, well done,
    been planing to make a peter pan collar,
    this is a reminder

  2. A very ethereal Peter Pan collar! I really like your create-every-day idea, I hope it works out for you. Sounds like an excellent way to stay motivated and inspired.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping posting them here will keep me accountable ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm going to have a hard time parting with it ;)

  4. Just beautiful! Love the feathers and rhinestones together :)

  5. Gorgeous! I love your idea of creating something new every day!


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