Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well..It's finally happened.  I've run out of steam with my summer wardrobe.  It tends to happen around this time every year when I begin to long for a fresh new fall wardrobe to play with.

This year, I've also been struggling with a few other changes.  My anxiety levels are at an all time high, and it's beginning to take it's toll on my health.  I'm adding pounds, sleeping in the afternoons (to catch up on the sleep I'm not getting in the evening) and have a constant and persistent ache in my head and stomach.

I don't want to whine.  The truth is, the bulk of this is self imposed.  I force myself to adhere to deadlines I've created, volunteer to help with things when I don't really even have time to take care of myself and keep going at a high rate of speed that has become unmanageable.

 I had hoped that my small vacation would give me the time to do some thinking and come back refreshed, but what I've discovered is..I need more time.

All that being said, ConstantlyAlice is my passion.  I will continue to create and share on my Facebook and Twitter pages, because the communities I've found there have been so wonderful.  I will also continue to add merchandise to my shop, because I know of no better therapy than creating.  I will still post here periodically, but it will be sporadic for a while until I get my feet back under me.  I hope to return to it refreshed and with brand new ideas to share with you in the fall.

In the hopes of building a "support group" of sorts, I will also now be blogging at The Loveable Eccentric.  This is separate from my vintage and crafty passions and will be more of a therapeutic tool.  I will be exploring ways to "find my zen" with things like meditation, mindfulness and healthier lifestyle choices.  It will be an online journal of sorts, tracking my way back to health.  I hope you will join me!

I would like to thank all of you who have been so supportive of ConstantlyAlice so far.  I love hearing from you, sharing ideas and learning new things.  I hope you will hang in there while I sort things out, but if not, I genuinely appreciate you for following along with me this far on my adventures <3  

Hugs and Smooches,


  1. I'm here for you babes. I've been struggling with many of the same things, like really struggling, so I can definitely relate, even if it's on a different level. You're a rad chick and one that many, including myself, really look up to. Take care of yourself, sweet one. You know that you have us girls cheering you on!

    1. Thank you, sweetheart. And the same goes for you <3

  2. I'll be 'round when you get back. Youre one of ny very favorites. I do the same kind of thing as you're describing - try to take on the world and end up feeling overwhelmed to the max! Good on you for realizing when to step back and take a breather!

    1. Thanks so much, Jen :) I'm so glad to have "met" wonderful people like yourself through this blog!

  3. Best of luck with your quest for health and wellness. It can certainly be tough, especially when you're stressed. I have a chronic medical illness that causes widespread pain and fatigue, which can make it difficult to accomplish much of anything sometimes. So I can relate to what you're going through.

    But I'm happy to say than since losing 60 pounds in the last year (slow but steady, ha ha) I do feel that some of my problems have decreased. So hopefully you'll feel better with the meditation and healthier choices. Just try not to be discouraged. I don't know about you...but when I'm discouraged I head straight for the bag of Doritos, ha ha ha.

    Keep on truckin!

    <3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. Thanks so much, Jackie (and congrats on the 60lb loss! What an amazing accomplishment!)

  4. I just weighed myself this morning and was not happy about what I found out. Yikes! But I'm starting exercise, tae-bo which is cardio so that's always good. I enjoy your blog here, but I don't really like the Buddhist teachings, sorry. I will continue to follow you here and look forward to when you return. You'll be very missed.

    1. Thanks, Sean! I'm hoping to return with a bang in the fall ;-)

  5. Sabbaticals: we all need 'em. We don't always take them when we should, so kudos to you, my friend :-)

    1. Thanks, darlin' ;-) I love the word "sabbatical"..


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