Thursday, February 21, 2013

Books, Books, and some more Books..


I worship books in whatever form they come in.  For the longest time, I refused to get a kindle because I feared that it would interfere with the pleasure I derived from snuggling up in bed, turning the pages and smelling the delightful papery-ness that comes from a good book.  I was SO wrong.  Instant gratification.  Now I have stacks of books and a pretty substantial kindle library, and I couldn't be happier.  I thought I would share a few of my recent purchases with you..feel free to ask questions about them, I'm always happy to provide my opinion!


I love the idea of constantly evolving.  One of my favorite stories about Benjamin Franklin is how he kept a log his entire life of the things he wanted to improve on and rated himself regularly to keep track of  how well he was succeeding.  I was so moved by this suggestion, that I started my own book to track my evolution.  One of my more recent yearnings is to change up my make-up routine and shake things up a bit.  Jemma Kidd is amazing.  (Also, if you're in the market for a make-up manual, Kevin Aucoin is a genius.)


Fair warning..there are no patterns in this book.  It's more of a technical "how to" on sizing vintage knitting patterns (which you can find for free in abundance on the internet.  One of my favorite resources for this is  However, if you've often been frustrated by yarn selection or resizing of vintage patterns, like I have, this book is great.

Another great vintage resource, this one DOES come with patterns (on cd).  I love how they put the looks together in this book.  The outfits are adorable.  You'll be seeing a pattern or two from this as part of the Create 365 project ;)

..cause you can never have too many books about Marilyn..

Great tips on signature looks of some amazing women!

This is just the tip of the iceberg (I have oodles more to read on my kindle and some great vintage books I picked up at a used book store a few weeks ago).  Now I just need another 10 hours in the day ;)

Hugs and Smooches,

1 comment:

  1. This is great, one can never have too many books to choose from! The pattern selector one looks great. Happy reading!


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