Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Crafting for the Holidays

If you love making gifts for the holidays, as I do, you know that it's never too soon to begin planning your holiday giving list.  (In theory..I do have a tendency towards procrastination and have found myself in previous years pulling all nighters with a pot of coffee and several skeins of yarn ;-)

I have vowed, however, that I will be organized this year!!  In this spirit, I have started sorting through some of my pins on Pinterest to identify what I would like to try my hand at, and who the gifts would be suited for..because, truthfully, I do sometimes find something I reallllyyy want to make that would only be suited as a gift for me :-)

Here are a few things I'm thinking about so far:

For her

 These gorgeous origami fabric butterflies would be perfect for hair accessories, brooches or as an accent on a necklace.


Hand scrub, great in a gift bag with a nail file and some pretty nail polish!

Embellished cardigans..soooo easy.  (Incidentally, this is also an adorable blog with several other fantastic ideas!)


Cozy sewn felt slippers (also a great idea for kiddos!)

For Him

My husband LOVES these.  They're pretty easy to make..I may enlist the children to create a few for their Dad and uncles ;-)

Despite his protests about the "Fudge Handles" he acquires every holiday season, The Man loveeesss some homemade fudge.

Create a playlist, could be songs for your sweetheart, running songs, songs to brighten your day, type the list out on fun paper and attach to an itunes gift's like a mixed tape for the 21st century ;-)

For the Kids

Create a bunch of these.  Use to embellish overalls, sweaters, hats, mittens or stitch them all together to make a scarf.

Rice filled heating pads to snuggle up to on a cold night!

I'm a sucker for a cute hat, and this one's about as cute as they come..

This link is for 25 Christmas Books and crafts to go with them, but you could do this with any book for any age!  My oldest daughter loves the Hunger Games, and I thought a neat combo would be the Hunger Games books and a craft project to make arrow hair sticks out of chopsticks and feathers or felt feathers.  My youngest loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid, so to go along with that, a craft for making your own diary. 

So that's my (preliminary) list!  What are your ideas for the holidays?  Do you make gifts as well?  What sort of items are on your crafting list?  Feel free to share here or over on facebook!


  1. Soo cool, can't wait to see what you come up w/!

  2. Lots of great ideas! I wish I could say people received handmade gifts from me for Christmas. I got burned out on it years ago when I used to make something for everyone in my extended family (26 people). Now I reserve handmade gifts for new babies (which has even been tough to keep up with of late).

    1. It is exhausting! I got really burnt out last year, but I'm hoping by starting earlier this year, I'll be able to take it at a more leisurely pace :)


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