Blogs and Links

Blog Roll

A Beautiful Mess

Vixen Vintage

The Mysterious Life of the Metropolitan ex-Housewife

Casey's Elegant Musings

By Gum, By Golly!

The Pink Retro Powder Room


Baubles, Accoutrements and Garb

Caught Frenching

Here's Lookin at Me Kid

Olivine's Charm School

Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing

Tuppence Ha'Penny

Penny Dreadful Vintage

Tea With the Vintage Baroness

Links and Resources

Ravelry - Great site for knitters from beginner to advanced!

Vintage Fashion Library - For vintage sewists

Bramcost Publications - Great re-printed vintage books and free knitting patterns

Fashion-Era - A great comprehensive site for dating vintage clothes and creating your vintage look

Burda - Fashion and sewing resource with tutorials